I’m Troy Thompson, known to family and friends alike as an “alpha geek”. I.T. is my day job, my volunteer work, and my hobby.
My wife, Jessica, is my Number One. She’s stage-crafty by training, teaches primary and secondary speech, dramatic production, U.S and world history, and provides stagecraft assistance for the LTE Bridge.
We started the LTE Bridge in response to a need for the Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator at the Southern-Fried Gameroom Expo in June 2016. We had hosted several events for family and friends, and after SFGE we were contacted by other local conventions.
The Artemis LTE Bridge can be set up in any living room, dining room, conference room, or similar space: we set it up, provide crew training, and manage all the technical bits. Contact us to discuss your Artemis event!
Who Is Lawson Thompson?
When I was in junior high school, I fancied myself a bit of a sci-fi writer and crafted some short stories. The hero was “James Lawson,” and I kept the name Lawson around as a pseudonym.
Years later, my wife and I named our cats after our Trek/sci-fi nicknames: Lawson and Laitka. Here’s a recent photo of Lawson, lounging on the couch enjoying a scalp massage.
Pretty much a spoiled cat!
Though once upon a time, he was much smaller…
IRL Details
Find out more about us at our main blog site, www.troyandjessica.com
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